Haigh Pipeliner Sewage Macerator:
The Haigh Pipeliner™ range provides a reliable, straightforward system for disintegration, maceration or conditioning of solids in flow. Southern Pumping Specialists are the exclusive distributors of this product in Australia and our trained staff are ready to answer your enquiries - please call 1800 810 670 for more information.
The Haigh Pipeliner™ is designed to fit into the suction line of raw sewage or sludge pump, homogenising the medium to improve downstream process, whilst protecting high performance pumps from tramp and rag debris in the medium.
It is a disintegrating device for raw sewage and sludges up to 6% solid matter in a pipeline under operating conditions ranging from – 1 bar to + 4 bar. Click here for more on how we solved a challenge for a local retirement village.

The range consists of a conditioning cutterhead co-axially mounted specifically designed to handle raw sewage and sludge. An external method of pumping is required.
The cutters consist of a steel headstock with tungsten carbide wear blades rotating against a stationary alloy steel shearplate with a hardness of 50-55 rockwell. The size of the holes in the shearplate may be specified to suit the application. The cutters can be replaced without disturbing the mechanical seal. The seal will rotate in an oil bath to ensure adequate cooling and lubrication which have a sealing rings of differing grades of tungsten carbide.
Ease of maintenance
The drawback design of the Pipeliner™ allows the easy removal of the cutting elements without disrupting the surrounding pipework. A standby cutter cartridge assembly can be economically purchased to avoid the cost of an entire second machine.
Positive cut
Highly effective cutting action gives controlled particle size and eliminates the tendency of shredded solids to reform.
Strong agitation
Ideal for providing homogeneous waste in suspension.
Easy to service
Cutters can be changed within minutes with perfect alignment using only a maximum of two allen keys. No special tools are required.
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